Brief overview

The cluster has grown with contributions from different researchers/projects within a wide rang of time. This means the nodes are not homogeneous.

Overall, the cluster currently contains:

  • 1 head-node, which is the front-end to the cluster and also the file server
  • 5 AMD 4-core nodes (nodes 1--5)
  • 3 Intel 4-core nodes (nodes 6--8)
  • 1 AMD 16-core node (node 9)
  • 1 AMD 64-core node (node 10)
  • 2 Intel 24-core nodes (nodes 11, 13)
  • 1 Intel 12-core node (node 12)

The head-node shares the HOME directory via NFS to all the nodes in the cluster.

Please see the Technical description of the nodes for detailed information.

The access to the cluster is controlled/limited and you must apply explicitly to gain access. Please se the instructions to learn how to get access.

Contact person:
Paulo Lopes <>